*This bag has two small bags, which can be used separately or together, with a large capacity.
*Simple color, multi-layer storage, it is a pencil case, but also a bag for storing small things.
*Multifunctional: It is not only a pencil case, but also can be used for other purposes, such as travel purse, travel bag, cosmetic bag.
*Large capacity storage, small stationery such as erasers, stickers, etc. can be stored in the mesh bag.
* High Quality: Made of high quality material, strong material and strong handle, durable and quality guaranteed.
SKU ID:1020324-14686-31742
Has deals:Yes
Dangerous goods:No
Stock location:China
Country of origin:China
Storage temperature:Room Temperature
Item length:23
Item width:8
Item height:8
Item weight:200
Item weight unit:g
Item dimensions unit:cm
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