Leather key bag, suitable for daily use. A pull-out leather key case secures your key in one place and is easy to find.
The key manager is surrounded by leather, so the key will not scratch the contents of the bag or pocket. Smartphones, tags, notebooks, and other items will remain safe.
It is also a stylish accessory that always looks good in your hands, on a cafe table, in an office or at home.
The design of the leather key case allows you to put the key not only inside but also outside. Therefore, you can separate the key from different doors/location.
Alternatively, you can use a metal ring to hang the entire key box on the hook near the door. The long rope is made of linen and is very strong.
SKU ID:264603-14684-32816
Has deals:Yes
Dangerous goods:No
Stock location:China
Country of origin:China
Storage temperature:Room Temperature
Item length:15
Item width:10
Item height:5
Item weight:20
Item weight unit:g
Item dimensions unit:cm
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